Share & Regenerate Mini Fest
Connect, Share, learn towards creating a sharing, regenerative and collaborative economy
By: Reconnect & Recharge + SOHOland

In partnership with SOHOland, we, Reconnect & Recharge are excited to host the Sha.Re Mini Festival on 29 June 2019!
Sha.Re stands for “Share” and “Regenerate”.
It is an invited-only event with one intention -> to gather change-makers and co-create shared resources and spaces within the community and neighbourhoods in Klang Valley. (Sharing space: Community Garden, Swap Corner, Seed Library, Books Exchange etc)
This Mini Festival aims to bring change-makers together to:
1. Connect and learn about each other’s interests, experiences and/or skills
2. Enable collaborations and exchange resources
3. Experience an interconnected, sharing and collaborative community
29th June 2019, Saturday
10pm - 10pm @PrivatePlaceKL
Entrance Ticket:
RM30 per person or Food Sharing for 20 pax; or preloved items/ plants + RM25
(No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you feel called to attend with funds as a concern, let us know and we'll have a special code! )
Participants: Change-makers (i.e. like-minders who are keen to make a difference, entrepreneurs and social innovators, non-profit and business leaders, healers, grassroot activists and/or policy makers).
Funds will go towards expenses including costs of space usage and rental of equipment/chairs/tables as well as Reconnect & Recharge’s pro bono events.
Invitation to co-create
Contact Vic at 0165931762 or email to [email protected] for partnerships and enquiries.
1. Panel discussion on ‘Creating a Sharing and Circular Economy’
2. Skillshare sessions with guest speakers (Social + Environmental initiatives)
3. Gift Circles where people get together to help one another
4. Women’s Circle + Men’s Circle
5. Arts & Music Storytelling
6. Live Performances
7. Free + Swap Marketplace
**You are encouraged to drop a note of appreciation / referral / offer skills, services or time / cash donation to the event contributors / guest speakers on that day
Contact Vic at 0165931762 or email to [email protected] for partnerships and enquiries.